
How to facilitate processes that drive change.

Process facilitation can help your organisation respond to challenges and thrive. Empower your people to facilitate in-house processes with our popular learning programme. Or benefit from our experienced consultants enabling your people to drive safely through critical change.

Mannaz experts
Process facilitation
Lars Nellemann
Manager, Ph.d.
+45 51396043
Morten Flørnæss Kerrn-Jespersen
Client Director
+45 4517 6000
Rasmus Hviid Bach
Senior Consultant
Henrik Schelde Andersen
Client Director
+ 45 2156 0156
Berit Urup Hankelbjerg
Senior Consultant
+45 4517 6000
Per Krull
Senior Consultant
Anne Friland
Client Director
+45 4517 6262
Henrik Challis
Vice President
+46 707 12 72 07
Anna Rosdahl
Senior Consultant
Molly Butler
Sanna Turesson
Senior Consultant
Markus Rohde Engholm
Consultant, Cand.psych.
+45 4517 6000

How to help teams get from chaos to clarity

Teams working on business projects often face various challenges that can hinder their efficiency and effectiveness. The process facilitator can help mitigate risks and make sure that information flows efficiently and that everyone’s voice is heard.

With process facilitation being all about unlocking team members’ potential, some common challenges include helping members communicate effectively and steer clear of conflicts and delays. Also, fostering open, transparent, and constructive communication with the process facilitator mediating disputes, and guiding the team toward consensus is key to success.

But there is even more to paving the way for great team performance. A process facilitator can help define project goals, facilitate stakeholder engagement, foster accountability, and make sure everyone is on the same page. Designing and facilitating effective team meetings, the process consultant ensures members stay focused, productive, and motivated so strategic business targets are met.

Unlock the full potential

Prioritising in-house education, process consultants are an investment in unlocking the full potential of organisations. Process facilitators serve as catalysts for change, facilitating transformation and fostering growth.

By empowering internal process consultants with the knowledge and skills to unleash the potential in others, you not only enhance your company’s ability to adapt and thrive but also create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Process facilitation insights
Proces Facilitation Process facilitation – making change happen

One of the most powerful ways of initiating organisational change is through creating engaging processes and better dialogues. If you see the potential for improvement, it may be time to dive into the process field to discover new methods and perspectives.

Proces Facilitation Get new career opportunities as a process consultant

As a process consultant, your job is to bring about value-creating and meaningful processes in an organisation. Read on below and get inspired to obtain more in-depth qualifications to help you make a difference in your organisation.

Our services

Read more about how we can help and inspire you.

Process consultation

Get help for your change projects from Mannaz’s systemic process consultants. We help clarify the need, design the process, and involve the employees so that you get psychological safety, ownership, and real results.

Workshop facilitation

Get help from Mannaz’s professional facilitators.

We help facilitate your workshops or conferences so that everyone gets involved and it becomes safe to talk about important subjects. 

Design thinking with innovation

Learn to drive change and innovation. Learn to work with behavioural design and design thinking or let us assist you with this process.

Learn process management

Strengthen your own competencies to facilitate and lead change processes.

Be trained as a process consultant and help your companies create progress. Join Mannaz’s process consultation programme or let us tailor an internal course for your company.

Learn Graphic Facilitation

Put easy-to-understand images on complex topics.

Learn how to do graphic facilitation yourself or have us facilitate and document your workshop with beautiful wallpapers.

Process consultation programme

Join Denmark’s oldest and most well-known process consultation programme.

In the process consultation programme, you will learn how to create beneficial changes that involve the company’s employees and create results. 

In other words, you will gain the skills to lead processes, so you get from A to B and have the employees with you throughout the journey. 

“Facilitation and good processes have become indispensable in a world characterised by constant change, where complexity challenges traditional approaches. Through the co-creation of ideas and perspectives, good facilitation helps to balance multiple bottom lines and shape a sustainable future”
Anne Friland, Client Director

Meet our team

Our team of people has a broad, impressive background in specific subject areas, academic theory, and human behaviour.

Senior Consultant
Client Director

Discover process facilitation training and programmes



Få redskaber til at lede forandringer, processer og møder gennem facilitering.
Kom på Danmarks mest eftertragtede uddannelse som proceskonsulent. Du får viden og indsigt, der er skræddersyet til arbejdet med processer i organisationer af enhver art.

12 days 49.999 kr. ex. VAT

Lederen som facilitator af innovation og forandring

Bliv bedre til at facilitere ideer og forandringer i din virksomhed.
Bliv bedre til at facilitere som leder. Få indsigt og træning i forskellige faciliteringsteknikker og -værktøjer, fx grafisk facilitering. Bliv bedre til at gribe ideer og øge engagementet.

3 days 16.999 kr. ex. VAT
Facilitering NYHED

Faciliter kreative processer og idéudvikling

Skab innovative og kreative udviklingsprocesser.
Det lyder som et paradoks, det er det ikke! Struktur og kreativitet er fine venner, der kompletterer hinanden. De fleste mennesker har aflært den naturlige kreativitet vi er født med. Derfor skal den provokeres frem. Ved hjælp af strukturerede processer, bliver kreativitet målrettet og dermed et kraftfuldt redskab.

2 days 11.999 kr. ex. VAT

Professionel coaching

Brug samtalen som et redskab til udvikling og forandring.
Coaching er brugbar i mange situationer og på alle niveauer i organisationen. På dette kursus får du effektive samtale- og coachingteknikker til at motivere kunder, medarbejdere, kolleger m.m.

6 days 29.999 kr. ex. VAT

Grafisk facilitering

Visuel kommunikation der skaber overblik, stærkere budskaber og effektivt samarbejde.
Få redskaber til at koble ord med billeder og illustrationer, som styrker den fælles forståelse, læring og hukommelse i forhold til beslutninger, ideer, referater m.m. Selvom du ikke tror, du kan tegne, så kan du lære det her.

2 days 10.999 kr. ex. VAT

Den virtuelle procesfacilitator

Bliv endnu bedre til at facilitere og lede virtuelle processer .
Tag dine online møder til næste niveau, hvor teamet reelt kan samarbejde digitalt og køre mere komplekse processer. Lær at lede og facilitere virtuelle workshops, og brug det virtuelle rum til mere krævende samarbejdsprocesser, dialog og udvikling.

2 days 5.999 kr. ex. VAT
Bæredygtighed NYHED

Biasbevidst Ledelse (Masterclass)

Træf bedre beslutninger med diversitet.
Den biasbevidste leder ved, at det er lederens mindset, der skal trænes, så der kan opøves en adfærd, som gør diversitet til den virksomme ingrediens. Deltag på kurset, og lær at mestre den nye ledelsesstil, der gør op med fordomme, stereotyper og vanemønstre, så du kan opnå endnu større succes.

3 days 16.999 kr. ex. VAT

Digital Transformation, Masterclass - for ledere

Få succes som leder med digital transformation.
Er du leder og ønsker mere viden om, hvad digital transformation er? Og mangler du sprog og kompetencer til at bidrage til transformationen? Så har vi en masterclass til dig. Her får du nye begreber og teorier at navigere ud fra og inspiration til, hvordan de kan omsættes i praksis – og tilpasses din virksomhed.

3 days 50.000 kr. ex. VAT

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