
Transformation towards greater sustainability – seize the opportunities

For organisations facing changing stakeholder agendas, a focused effort on sustainability can strengthen reputation, attract talent and create environmental, social, and financial success. We help you stay compliant while seizing new opportunities

Mannaz experts
Berit Kristine Bøggild
Client Director
+45 2295 0151
Henrik Challis
Vice President
+46 707 12 72 07
Magnus Ramdén
Senior Consultant
Sanna Turesson
Senior Consultant
Julie Ekner Koch
Head of Digital Learning and Leadership

How sustainability can support healthy business growth

Sustainability is becoming a competitive parameter. While few companies are still hesitant, the vast majority of executive managers have recognized the potential of working strategically with sustainability.

The numbers are pretty clear. 90% of institutional investors would revise investments if companies do not at least consider ESG criteria within their business model. Additionally, 50% of consumers pay a higher price for products with a positive environmental and social impact on the supply chain*. Expectations from employees and governments are also steadily increasing.

At the same time, sustainability has moved from being about brand reputation and sustainable production to constituting a principle in the innovation of business models, where services, products, and partners can have sustainability as a focal point. For some, this means halving power consumption and doubling production capacity. For others recycling water. Solar power. Developing new materials. Reducing waste water. Developing regenerative leadership skills. Protecting endangered nature. Biodegradable packaging. New business partners in distant regions. The list goes on.

* EY 

Accelerating your sustainability transformation: From vision to results and impact

Regardless of whether you develop a product that improves the customer’s CO2 footprint, or work to make nutrition, food waste, and packaging consumption more sustainable in the food industry, the potential is enormous. Both when it comes to creating a better world and a sustainable bottom line. This potential can become even greater through value chain partnerships where multiple stakeholders collaborate on shared challenges.

But how exactly do you implement sustainability through, for example, the UN’s global goals and ESG targets (short for Environmental, Social, and Governance)? The challenge typically comes when the organisation moves from overall strategy to concrete execution.
We help our clients map the potential, prepare the strategy, and ensure the practical execution. For more than four decades, we have helped managers, specialists, and project managers in knowledge-intensive organisations transform visions and strategies into tangible results that build the bridge to the future.

Try our sustainability index – how does your organisation perceive its transformation?

If you are motivated to put sustainability on your agenda, then Mannaz can help you get off to a good start. We facilitate dialogues about sustainability, where we have perspectives and ideas that inspire and challenge the dialogue in your organisation.

Mannaz can help you find opportunities, plan the execution, and create a roadmap to your level of ambition.

Start the conversation

  • Are there new products to develop and existing products to design more sustainably?

  • Is it a question of changing your business model?

  • Can you enter new partnerships across the value chain?

  • Can you design new products to last longer, to be repaired or reused for a second life?

  • Do you know how your organisation perceives your transformation towards greater sustainability?

Take the temperature of your sustainability transformation

  • With Mannaz Sustainability Transformation Index, you can get an overview of the internal perception of your organisation’s sustainability transformation performance.

  • The questionnaire typically takes 5-10 minutes, and the result gives you an indication of where your organisation is from stages 1-5. You will also get recommendations and ideas for the next steps.

  • Take the test here and see how far you are.  Or scan the QR-code and continue on your mobile.Tag temperaturen på din grønne udvikling - hvor langt er du eller din organisation

Leading the sustainability transformation

The Mannaz Sustainability Leadership Model is designed to start, structure and qualify conversations about sustainability leadership. Each area of this framework prompts leaders to address key aspects of why, what and how to transform their organisation towards sustainability.

We typically use the model to either 1) help clients structure strategy development or strategy execution or 2) structure a learning situation.

We have intentionally designed the model to be non-linear because it allows us to zoom in on the areas that are most relevant to our clients’ current situation.

“Employers must move quickly to upskill their workforce through learning initiatives focused on sustainability knowledge and skills”
Brad Smith, Vice Chair & President, Microsoft
Sustainability insights
Sustainability ESG - Who takes care of that?

Many companies fail to adequately follow up on sustainability and ESG despite ambitious goals and announcements from management. The issue is that challenges quickly arise when transitioning from goals to large-scale action.

Sustainability Succeed with sustainability targets together with your value chain

The year-end entails a performance evaluation of sustainability targets. We will see many companies not achieving their goals due to a lack of essential data and solutions in their value chain.
In this article, we provide examples of how to successfully meet sustainability targets through partnerships within your value chain and industry.

Sustainability Are you making the most of your company’s sustainability reporting?

Your organisation’s sustainability performance data can help you tap into wider opportunities if you dig them out of your annual report and breathe life into them. Be inspired in this article.

Our services

Read more about how we can help and inspire you.

Danish Industry x Mannaz Sustainability Programme

Masterclasses that strengthen your capabilities within Sustainability and ESG.

We focus on how the sustainability agenda brings both strategic opportunities and challenges to navigate within. We support you with a pragmatic approach to ESG that focuses on seizing opportunities, avoiding risks, and ensuring compliance with ESG reporting standards. We help you be aware of making the most of your verified ESG data and use them as the communication foundation, so you avoid greenwashing when communicating about your sustainability offerings and brand stories.

The four masterclasses combine important perspectives and experiences from experts and case companies.

Project management training integrating sustainability

Tailored project management training to ensure an updated project management skillset to deliver on strategy and customer expectations.

We tailor facilitation to ensure that the training supports the project managers in delivering on the organisation’s strategic sustainability targets as well as providing the action and data needed for organisations to be ESG compliant. We collaborate closely with organisations to select the key project management tools and templates to be upgraded with the relevant sustainability approach and data.

Sustainability Transformation

We help you embrace the complexity of sustainability transformations and find your way to build momentum and move your organisation forward.  

As sustainability demands increase from customers, regulators, and other key stakeholders, a focused effort on sustainability can strengthen reputation, attract talent, and create environmental, social, and financial success. We help you with the transformation to be compliant while seizing new opportunities by getting your organisation on board and skilled to innovate and deliver on sustainability.

Mannaz Sustainability Transformation Index

Take the temperature on your sustainability transformation and use the insights to strengthen your progress.

  • The index is designed to start, structure, and qualify conversations about sustainability in your organisation 
  • The index equips leaders with an overview of the internal perception of the organisation’s sustainability transformation performance. 
  • Perceptions often vary, so the index is a useful tool for choosing a matching differentiated approach to get people on board and improve impact.
  • The index assesses the transformation level based on the responses and gives recommendations for the next steps that match the organisation’s level.) 

Are you curious to read more about the Index? Then read:“Is your organisation implementing sustainability too slowly?”. 

“Employers must move quickly to upskill their workforce through learning initiatives focused on sustainability knowledge and skills”
Brad Smith, Vice Chair & President, Microsoft

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Our team of people has a broad, impressive background in specific subject areas, academic theory, and human behaviour.

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Nordic mindset.
Global footprint.

Sustainability is our commitment. We believe inclusion, diversity, psychological safety, and securing a sustainable green future are key drivers for business operations that are financially sound and future fit.

Mannaz is rated to be among the top 25 % sustainable businesses in our sector*.

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Ecovadis ratingWe support un global compact

Nordic mindset. Global footprint.
The potential is people