Kasper Arentoft

Kasper Arentoft

Client Director
+45 4517 6000


I have extensive and international experience with leadership, strategic and organizational development in both private companies and the public sector.

I place my focus on – and work with – the combination of practical and theoretical experience when it comes to leadership and leadership development. Especially Top talent management programs for employees in key positions, is an area where I have extensive experience.

My core competence and passion is to engage, activate and facilitate employees and management. Key words in the work are authenticity, transparency, commitment, inclusive communication … and a sense of humor.

Areas of competence
  • Action Learning
  • Behavioural Design
  • Bias Conscious Leadership
  • Buiness coaching
  • Business Consulting
  • Business Development
  • Change Leadership
  • Concept and Programme Design
  • Cross cultural
  • Culture
  • Design Thinking
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Education
  • Facilitation
  • Feedback
  • Global Leadership
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Leadership Sparring
  • Learning Processes
  • Organisational Development
  • Personal leadership
  • See more 22
  • ADKAR Change Management
  • DiSC
  • Hogan Certified, LVI Certified
  • IPMA C
  • MBTI®
  • See more 5
“The future does not exist... and that is exactly why we have a huge influence on how it can turn out.”
Kasper Arentoft
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