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Coaching & Persontypetests Invester i din personlige og faglige udvikling med en coachinguddannelse

Overvejer du at tage en coachinguddannelse, men er i tvivl om hvilken uddannelse, du skal vælge – og hvad udbyttet er? Så læs med her, hvor uddannelsesansvarlig Lotte Foged Lindström forklarer, hvad en EMCC-coachinguddannelse tilbyder – og hvordan uddannelsen inkluderer både etiske standarder, netværksdannelse, teoretisk viden og systemisk tænkning.

Project management & Agile practices Six Key Focus Areas for the Project Manager in 2025

The need for innovation and change has never been more pressing, and all indications suggest this trend will only accelerate in 2025 and beyond. Simultaneously, projects are subject to frequent changes and transformations, making it impossible to rely on traditional methods. Here are six key focus areas for project managers to consider in 2025.

Sustainability Pulling on the same rope – alignment on sustainability in the value chain

To reach sustainability targets, it is essential to engage your value chain and align on positive impact. How can you engage and collaborate with your suppliers to obtain the data you need to succeed? And how is your own sustainability impact and data either helping or working against your customers’ sustainability targets?

The potential is people